About Us

Use schema.  Get results.

We Know What Works

At Schema Pros, we understand what it takes to be effective within our industry. We commit to dedicated professional development, and we ensure that schema – as rapidly as it may change – remains within our realm of expertise

Furthermore, we understand the symbiosis of marketing and coding as it relates to schema markup. We dedicate a large part of our efforts on schema STRATEGY in order to maximize results with minimal effort. We know where we want to go and how to get there. 

It is this reciprocity between marketing and coding that allows Schema Pros to shine. We are both marketers and coders by trade, and we understand how to leverage schema markup to  achieve specific marketing objectives.

This complex understanding of the relationship between schema markup and marketing is critical to meeting actionable marketing goals.

Target All The Right Customers

Schema markup teaches search engines how to deliver your content to the right audience similar to how ad targeting delivers ads to the most relevant demographics. SEO alone focuses on increasing search visibility around key terms for ALL audiences, but schema markup provides the search engines with the information to be more selective and accurate with who the content is shown to.

In short, failure to apply schema markup means you’re likely competing against sites that do have schema markup and, as a result, your content won’t be seen as relevant within the search algorithm.

Analyze & Increase Traffic and Conversions

We recognize that you want to see the results we’re bringing to the table, so Schema Pros commits to regularly updating our clients on key metrics to demonstrate improvements in traffic, conversion, and more.

How We Deliver The Results That You Want!

At Schema Pros, we understand that meeting business goals is ultimately the most important thing. We don’t simply throw a bunch of schema markup on a website and call it a day. Trust us – there are a million ways to do that. Instead, we take a dedicated approach towards meeting actionable business objectives and business goals through the use of schema. Finally, we report on how our efforts have helped you meet your business targets.

What We Do

We write schema markup to help search engines understand you. We use schema markup to achieve specific business objectives.

We Convert



Recognizing the inevitable importance of schema markup a number of years ago, Alexander made it his mission to because a prominent structured data expert.

Let's Work Together!

Let’s work together. We succeed when you succeed.


Based in Oklahoma – Serving The World

6608 N Western Avenue #1508


[email protected]